Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hello again!

I know it's been a while (OK a couple of months) since my last post. With a new baby and two other kids you really don't have time to do much. Let's see:
1. Andrew will be turning 8 this December (26). Where did the time go?
2. Alexis is doing fine, still not potty trained yet, but we're working on it.
3. Xander is now 3 months old. He's still a little stinker pot but he's getting better about not wanting me to old him all the time. Xander did have GERD (Acid reflux), I can actually leave him on the floor for a while. He's been sleeping in his bed and sometimes thru the whole night (2 nights out of week, I'll take that.) He smiles, coos and rolls over to his back when we give him tummy time (which he really doesn't like) We trying to get him to laugh when we tickle him, most time he just coos real loud and tries to get away.
4. I've been at my job for 2 years now. WOW and HURRAY for me!

OK I know everyone is just wanting to really see pictures so here you go:

Xander is 25 days old in this picture.

He's almost a month in this picture and doing little smiles.

Almost 3 months old and smiling a lot. Loves to be sung too.

Here is Halloween; Alexis was a purple fairy/butterfly (or buttfly as Alexis puts it) and Andrew was a S.W.A.T. police officer. That is what he wants to be when he grows up. (Just like his Uncle Sheldon!) He wants to drive a police car really fast and arrest bad guys that rob banks. I'm so PROUD!


JUST KIDDING!!! This little critter chewed (yes chewed) a hole in our chimney and made a home in the wall. (At least he didn't chew a hole in the wall coming into the house.) Andrew and Alexis both got to see it. Andrew wanted to keep it and Alexis just got all excited. I had to get up the roof and reset the trap and use some different bait. Peanut Butter in a cup just doesn't work, use dog food, that worked. The first time after I reset the trap that we thought we heard the trap go off, I climb the ladder, Candy the Cat scared the hibby jibbies out of me, she was up on the roof and meowed at me before I saw her. This is at 9 pm at night and I can't really see anything. The second time we thought we heard sometime it was a loud "thunk". I go look again and the trap has been sprung BUT I can't see anything since the trap has a garbage bag wrapped around it (that is for when they catch skunks). So I climb up on the roof and and look and it's in there. HURRAY! If anybody had looked out their windows, they maybe thought there were burglars up on the roof with flashlights. At least no one called the cops. =)

Well that is about it. Since now we are getting back into a routine I hope to be able to start posting regularly but don't be surprised if I don't post anything for a while.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Would you freak out?

I almost did. Almost called the cops and thought I was going to be on the news about one of those parents. OK maybe not one of those parents (don't really know what kind of parents those are), but I do tend to freak out really easily; first thing that popped in my head was that I was going to charged with kidnapping and his mother would be on the news freaking out. (See how my mind works?)

Andrew finally convince a little boy to come home with him today. His name was Alex (how ironic, I think). He didn't know how to pronounce his last name correctly. Couldn't tell me his phone number. Could only tell the street name, no number and his mother first name. I call the school, but NO answer. (Not helping my panic mode.) So, I called bus transportation. They help a lot. The finally got a hold of the bus driver, who actually saw Andrew and Alex take off toward our house. She couldn't get to them in time to stop Alex. She did drive down my street, but by then the boys where already in the house and she didn't know our house #. After 10 minutes of being on the phone, the bus came down the street again and I talked to the driver. She told me since day one that Andrew was trying to convince Alex to come to our house and Alex was agreeing with it. She said they were both in on it. When Alex got on the bus, I did hear her say "wait until I tell your mom". I really wish parents did what I did. Put some contact info in the back pack. Just in cases like this.

Andrew and Alexis were pretty excited about this week. Andrew was happy to start school and Alexis was happy to go back to Marixa's. Alexis was a little sad when we left Andrew at the bus stop but got all giddy when I told her we were going to Marixa's.

Xander is little stinker pot. (that's his nickname for now). Wants to be held all the time and for some reason only by me, unless he's at the sitters and doesn't want to sleep in his bed. Wants to always sleep on me, but he starting to sleep for six hours at night now, but that depends on when I feed him last and how much.

That is about it for now. I do have pictures but I post them next time.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

End of Summer

Yeah right... end of summer for the kids but not the summer heat. =( Well everything is going great here except getting enough sleep. Xander has his bouts of where he doesn't know what he wants. Doesn't want to eat, but is fishing (turns his head side to side and has an open mouth). Doesn't want to be put down, but when he's held, he doesn't know what position he wants to be held in. He sleeps pretty well until about time between 3:30am and 8 am. We are going to try and keep him up later in the evening to see if we can get him to switch hours. He feeds about every 2 to 4 hours but sometimes he sleeps for six. I do try to breastfeed him (sorry guys) but he just doesn't want my breast. Xander knows what to do but every time I try to make him latch, he just spits it out. We have tried several times to no avail. I will keep trying but so far I'm just pumping and then giving him the milk in a bottle. Andrew and Alexis are doing great. Andrew loves his little brother. Keeps saying he's "cute". Alexis on the other hand is still on the fence (as Roland puts it) about her little brother. Sometimes she wants to carry him (I won't let her as of right now) and sometimes she wants to hold him. Sometimes she happy she's holding him, but them are times she starts whining while holding him. All she really wants to do is help, which is fine by me.
Here are some pictures of Andrew and Xander:

Feeding Time!!!

Andrew wanted to help feed Xander. I did have to stop Andrew from pouring 2% milk into the baby bottle. I had to explain that Xander wouldn't be able to drink 2% milk for while and had to explain what kind of milk to make for Xander. I have decided not let Andrew make the baby bottles for a while.

We went swimming the other day. The kids had a blast:
Miss Alexis trying to splash me. I love the goggles on her.

Andrew just had a blast going all over the pool.

Everyone just had a blast. Of course Xander slept through all of it.

I will get my family portrait of all three kids, I just don't know when. Hopefully I'll get it before Christmas. =)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Finally Arrived

Roland Alexander Blackwell arrived on Sunday, August 2, 2009 at 5:17pm weighing in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. (Yes, that is bigger than Andrew and Alexis when they were born. Glad I was two weeks early!)
Went to the hospital that morning around 10 am. If really want all the little details call me, I'm not posting everything on my page, I know people want pictures, not words. Here they are:
Oh, by the way we have decided not to call him Alex but Xander. I might just do both. =)

Day after picture.

Andrew and Alexis checking out Xander.

Proud Papa.

After all that hard work, guess who passed out first?

Alexis wanted to hold Xander, so Daddy helped. After she did, she wasn't all that sure about it.
Miss Alexis didn't like leaving me in the hospital. She didn't want to leave at all Monday and then Roland called me that night, telling me someone was missing me. Roland thought it might make Alexis feel better if she heard my voice on the phone, but his plan back fired on him.
She is definitely a mamma's girl.

Alexis is still not to sure about Xander. She is excited about him, but I noticed today that when Xander cried, she started to get upset. I don't think she really knows what to do about Xander.
Andrew on the other hand has been a wonderful son and a wonderful big brother to Alexis and Xander. I will get my family portrait of all the three kids soon, but as this week my wonderful in-laws have come back Colorado and taken Andrew and Alexis for a couple of days. Andrew has been looking forward to going up to Nana and Poppy's. Alexis didn't want to go when they picked them up. I have a feeling that Alexis will not want to stay up there next week, if they decide to stay, but we will see.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

38 weeks and counting the days

That is because I don't have to wait until August 14 for Alex to arrive. At my last doctor's appointment, she told me she was going to induce me. HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!!! If little Alex doesn't come by Tuesday night on his own, I get to go in at 7:30 am Wednesday. YES!!!! The doctor did ask me how big my other children were when they were born. I told her they were both around 7 pounds, then I asked her "how big is he?" She tells me she thinks he's going to be a little bigger. Great, thinking to myself. Please pray I don't have to have C-Section. I want to go back to work the first week of school. Roland thinks the doctor is betting on that I come earlier than Wednesday, but truthfully I don't know what to think except for all the pain I'm still having. I'm still having contractions and now I'm having ligament pains, (man does it really hurt to walk). I'd rather be having contractions than ligament pains. Ligament pains lasted about 3 hours; pain scale: 7. The drugs finally kicked in but still had pain; scale: 2. At least my contractions come and go and then they go away when I take a sleeping pill and go to bed. I'm always afraid that if I take a sleeping pill, I'll miss my water breaking and actually give birth at home, but I was proved wrong last night. Had some major contractions in the middle of night which woke me up. I just realized I really needed to pee, then the contractions stopped.
So I guess now it's just a waiting game. I really hate waiting!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Almost There....

Almost there for baby Alex to be born. Went to the hospital (yes again) This time I broke down cried and that didn't even work on the doctor, but some good news; she told I wouldn't make to 39 weeks and she doesn't think I'll make this week. HURRAY!! Roland and I want Alex to come so badly. Maybe he'll come tonight, on Pierce's Birthday (Roland's nephew) Happy Birthday Pierce!!

Today was my last day at work, didn't go in Monday, that was the day I came home (did you know my hospital policy is not to induce on the weekends? How stupid.) When I went into work everyone was surprised to see me and then my boss came in later and freaked out that I was there. I told her I had some little things I wanted to do and that I would leave at noon and wouldn't be back until a couple of weeks after Alex was born. I hoping to go back on Andrew's first day of school (depending on when Alex comes.)

I tried my experiment with Alexis - she saw me holding a friends baby, she didn't cry, she wanted me to give her the baby, I didn't. Nana maybe thinks that Alexis might change her mind after Alex sticks around for a couple of weeks. We'll see.

I bought one of those baby carrier slings for Alex. I let Alexis play with for awhile and after awhile she wanted me to wear it but she wanted to be in it while it was on me. I told I couldn't do that, boy did that upset her.

Andrew is wondering when Alex is coming. Every time I grab my belly, he asks "is the baby heavy?" and keeps asking me (almost everyday) when is the baby coming. I tell him 3 weeks or a couple of days. I tell Andrew to talk to Alex and he does, then he puts his ear up to my tummy to see if he can hear Alex. I have to keep telling him, Alex can hear you but you won't be able to hear him since Alex is inside my tummy. I keep telling Andrew to tell Alex "come out, we want to meet you" so far that hasn't work. =(

Hopefully next time you see a post, I'll be posting about Alex and how crazy I'm going with 3 kids not 2. =)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Another Update

Well went to hospital this past weekend. I was in labor (OK, I'm still in labor just not hard labor, as the doctor put it). As of right now I'm at 3cm and 50% effaced and lost my mucus plug, the plug I lost today and it was for that reason why I took another trip to the hospital again today. (if you don't have any clue of what I'm talking about, look it up on the Internet, I'm not going to explain it)
At the hospital today, my doctor made me stay for an hour and if dilation changed I would have had to stay the night, which of course it didn't. So I got to go home, but the nurse did agree with me that my contractions did pick up while I was there, so who knows I might go back again tonight. (dread) (no dread if Baby Alex comes) I did find out something I think I should complain about. I found out from the nurse that some medical board or medical people decided that they will NOT induce you if you just want it, they'll only induce you if you have medical condition or you are at 39 weeks. OK here is a good reason: A pregnant woman about to go mad!!! I'm so PISSED, I'm going to be looking on the Internet to bitch, got nothing else to do as of right now. Keep you updated.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby Update

Well, had my doctor's appointment today. Everything looks good. My 3rd diabetes test came back normal, which means I don't have gestational diabetes. Alex is at normal size for 35/36 weeks, so no talking about getting induced. =( They won't check to see if I'm dilated until next week, even though I almost begged to be checked, but he is head down (hurray, and like I couldn't tell from pelvic pressure I sometimes have when I get up from sitting. Ouch!) but I don't know if he's dropped or not. I will be asking next week. Everybody who sees me (well, not everyone) ask if I'm having twins. I tell them no, I just look big. =( It seems that everyone I knew who was pregnant or close to giving birth, has. I'm the only one left, sometimes feeling really alone. (not really) I really just want this little one to come, I'm tired of being pregnant. (OK, who doesn't get tired from being pregnant) I'm really curious about how little Miss Alexis is going to take about having a newborn in house. Don't know if I'm going to get annoyed at her because she wants to be in my lap and be held or trying to make her understand she can't feed, change the diaper, or carry the baby around. Maybe one of the women at church can help me with that, let Miss Alexis see me holding another baby, maybe I'll try it this Saturday. I just know I really don't want what happened last time to happen when she saw me holding her Cousin Pierce, she started crying, but that was about 2 years ago. =) I don't have any pictures, but will have lots coming as soon as Alex is born (which reminds me - I need to put my camera in my purse) =)

Andrew and Alexis are doing fine. They are both going to Alexis's daycare for the summer. Andrew sometimes wants to stay home - by himself while Roland and I are at work. I ask him some important questions about what if someone came to the door, what if there was a fire, questions like that, he usually gets one wrong and even if he did get them all right, I still wouldn't let him stay home by himself, I'd start to panic at work. Andrew really got to feel Alex move the other night, as did Roland. I was laying in bed when they could both see and feel Alex move. He doesn't really kick anymore, it looks like he rolls around. And if you feel around, you can actually feel something semi-hard (Alex's head) and feel his butt. =) Alex loves to move around 11 o'clock at night-right about the time when I'm about to fall asleep, but once he starts moving I have to wait to fall asleep until he stops. And man does Alex have the hiccups. I swear they are more annoying than anything, especially when they are at night.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Well I had my doctor's appt. this past Wednesday. Everything looks fine. Instead of being two bigger, now Alex is only one week bigger. Roland guesses that Alex was doing a growth spurt. I did do my third diabetes test last week as well. Should get the results by the end of the next week. I did however forgo any trips to the hospital within the last two weeks. I'm happy about that. I did talk to my doctor about being Alex being big. She said she not going to worry about that until I'm full term, which means when I'm nine months which is two weeks and that is when I go back to the doctors again. And probably I will get check to see if I'm dilated and all that other stuff. And then we really get to talk about inducing labor if Alex is big, but she said we'd do an ultrasound first, just to see how big he is. My doctor did recommend a maternity belt, which helps support the weight of the baby, since I told her that sometimes there is a lot of discomfort and on the day I saw her I felt a lot of pressure down in my pelvis. I will be looking into that, since standing at work is not working at all. I even hate getting up from my chair. I don't have any pictures to post, sorry just haven't been in the mood to take pictures.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I's been a while

I know the last time I posted I said I would post Alexis's birthday pictures in the next few days, well OOPS!! Her birthday pictures will be at the end. Here is an update so far.

I've been to the hospital 4 times now and getting really tired of going too. The last visit was nothing. Just keep drinking water they say. I did see my doctor today and I did finally ask the question? Is Alex big? Well I thought she would only say "by a couple days to a week," she's says "2 weeks" SURPRISE!!!! I thought he'd might be born on my sister birthday, August 11, but now it might be on Nana's birthday instead or who knows, he might just come in late July. I just told her I really didn't want a c-section, but she told me even baby's that are 5 to 6 pounds sometimes they have to have a c-section. Can't wait to tell Roland tonight.

Roland has finally felt Alex move and when I mean move I mean really moving around. Roland felt him do his flutters and jab me really hard, couldn't tell if he was just kicking his foot out or throwing a punch. Little Alex love to stretch right up into my ribs and to stretch and try to come out of the side of my stomach. I have to push him back in on those. He's favorite time to move is about 11 pm. I feel him at least four times a day with mostly flutters and a few kicks, but at 11 pm, he's doing gymnastics. It's a little a hard to fall asleep through all that and this time around sometimes it tickles.

As I promised pictures of Alexis's birthday:

Hail to the birthday princess!!

The sunglasses are big hit with the kids, Alexis loves wearing them in the car. In the picture you see her with her "baby" She got that from us. She loves carrying it around and it has a pacifier and a bottle and the baby cries if you take either of those out of it's mouth.

Alexis got a lot of clothes. If I show her an outfit in the store, she wants it. She is certainly a girl.

Alexis didn't cry this time when we sang Happy Birthday to her. I was so happy. Well that is about it until next time.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Another Update

Well, I had another scare this week. This time I was admitted over at Labor & Delivery. (This was Wednesday night) My contractions just wouldn't stop so after three hours we went to the hospital. I was have contractions but they were not regular. The doctor on duty decided to run a test to see if I was pre-disposed to going into pre-term labor. Thank god I was negative, but since it was already 1 AM they decided to keep me until the morning. I just sent Roland and the kids home after that. Andrew thought it was neat to hear the baby's heartbeat and to hear him move and the nurse thought the baby moved around a lot as well. Yes baby Alex was trying to kick off the heart device again. I just I have to rest and drink lots and lots of water. Like I don't drink enough it anyway. Instead of peeing every 10 mins, now I feel I have to pee every 5 mins. Soon it will be every 3 mins. (oh goody) Oh and I don't have diabetes, but I am borderline but Roland reminded me that I was borderline when pregnant with Alexis. I have to do another test at 32 weeks. More yucky drink! YUCK!!! =(

In other news Alexis turns 3 this Saturday. We bought her a doll that cries (not very loudly =) ) and some clothes that you can change it with. She's very good with it. I've noticed that she does try to pick it up like a real baby. Tomorrow we will be going up to Nana and Poppy's to celebrate her birthday. Nana is going to make cup cakes this year. Good thing too, Alexis has been asking for cup cakes. Let's hope she doesn't cry when we sing "Happy Birthday" to her. I sung one to her earlier today and she just cheered after I finished. Let's hope that is a good sign. I will have pictures later and whenever I get to posting them.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

An Update

Let's see what happen this past week.

Well, I already have a trip to labor and delivery this week. Thursday I had cramping while at work, called the doctor told me just to drink water and take some Tyenoly and I told my boss, my boss told me to go home, since it was slow and while on the phone with my doctor they told me that my diabetes test came back high so I had to do a three hour test. =( More yucky drink at higher dose of sugar. So I told my boss I would have to take I would have to take Friday off as well. I decide to stop off at my doctor's to pick up the paper work I need for the test and told the nurses I had three cramps in the car that took only five minutes for me to get there and and had one right there in front of them. They told me they wanted to see me "now". So I got seen and I wasn't dilated but they wanted me to go to labor and delivery. GREAT!!!! So stayed there for two hours and I have decided that I would nickname Alex "Wiggle worm" I couldn't believe how much he moves and neither could the nurse. I know Alex doesn't like anything on my stomach but jeez whiz, quit trying to kick off the heart monitor. The nurse had to move the monitor several times just so we could hear the heart beat. He would move away from the monitor and just kick at it. After a while I just moved it so the nurse wouldn't have to come in every 10 to 15 min. After about an hour Alex stopped moving away from the monitor, guess he got tired. I might have not felt him move or kick but you could still hear moving. Little wiggle worm.

I will find out the results of my second diabetes on Thursday. Let's hope it's good. I just hope I don't have to stay home until Alex is born. I would go mad being on bed rest and how can I be on bed rest if Alexis stays home with me, which she would since I couldn't afford day care.

And that is about it for me for this week.

Andrew is very proud of himself this week: Hear is why:

Roland showed him how to get Alexis on his back. Miss Alexis loves it but after a while she gets to heavy for him. She get upset if he can't carry her, but after a while she gives up.

And that is about it for for now.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pics and an update

Just some pics and an update:

I finally got my picture of my kids and my mother. HURRAY!!! =)

Aren't they cute?

Just goofing around.

Having fun with stickers:

On Saturday I found the house a little to quite. So I went looking around and this is why I found it so quite:

Don't you just love sleeping kids? I know I DO!!! =)

Here is one of Gizmo:

Every time I see Gizmo lounging like this, I keeping thinking I need to put a beer in front of him. But of course if I leave the room, I'm sure Gizmo would follow. (Well most of time he does, he's kinda my shadow and sometimes a shadow I don't want.) For some reason Gizmo has been doing something new. He gives me little love bites and they're only on my arm when I'm trying to take a nap or when I'm trying to go to sleep at night. I do have to watch him, if I don't give him some lovings he starts going for my face. (Is it because I'm pregnant or he thinks I don't pay enough attention to him? Yeah right, we play with the laser light every night before going to bed. He never gave me love bites when I was pregnant with Alexis.)

Other updates: Well I'm 6 months pregnant now and my next door neighbor asked if I was having twins. (Am I that big? I do feel big.) I was having braxton hicks contractions the other day, and while walking around the house, Andrew asked why I was holding my belly. I told him it felt heavy. Would you believe that Andrew started to hold my belly for me.
Alexis likes to tickle my belly. I ask her if she's tickling the baby. She says "yes".
I go to the doctor on Thursday for my diabetes test (that is where they make you drink something really yucky, you try drinking a cold flat drink with a lot of sugar in it) =(

Roland is helping train new employees at work, but they are at code "orange" at USAA, means everyone stay on the phone. Some training.

Well things at my work improved over the last week. We hired a new Admin. Asst. to come in the afternoon, but I found out today that she's not coming at all. She told the bosses "it's to hectic" HA!! No one has seen hectic like today. Two sets of project with lots of specifications (with a lot of edits, in which I only receive last Thursday and today) that had to go out today at 100% (100% means: all drawings should be finished and edits done as well) I didn't get to the printing but I had some help from the guys in the office. Oh and I found out that I got a raise today too! Surprise for me! Roland said "They really don't want you to quit do they?" I said "Guess Not."
Hopefully it's enough to pay for two kids in day care, because I really don't want to quit. I love the hours and now I really love the pay!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Alexis finally did it!!

And it's kinda my fault and it's not that she mastered the potty.

She finally did something that I had been dreading would happen. Andrew did it when he was little and it was easy to fix, but with Alexis, people are going to notice.

Have you guessed what I'm talking about? Here is a hint: Involves a pair of scissors.

If you guessed that Miss Alexis gave herself a haircut, then your right, she did. And a pretty good one at that. Right in the middle of her bangs, in a big upside down V pattern. No way to really fix it, except to pull some of her hair from the back of her head forward and trim it to look like her bangs. That is what the girl said at the hair place said. Hopefully her bangs will grow back quickly before her baby brother gets here in August. (More family portraits) Here are some pictures:

No way we can shave her head like we did Andrew when he gave himself the same kind of haircut. At least we got the family portraits done before she did this. =)

If you are wonder how she got a pair of scissors, it was because I left the gate down going into the kitchen and I left a pair scissors on the counter by the sink. OOOPPPSSSS!!!!!!!!

PS. Roland finally felt Alexander move. Felt two kicks. Now everyone here as felt the baby move, except Alexis but I don't think she'd understand what she was feeling if she felt him move in the first place.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy (Belated) Easter!

Happy Easter everyone. OK I know Easter has come and gone but better late than never. (this one is kinda of long)

The Saturday before Easter Sunday we went up to Nana and Poppy's to see Sheldon, Renee and Pierce. Then the kids got to do some Easter egg hunting. I had to tell Andrew that he couldn't find all the eggs that were hidden. Andrew was actually pretty good. He pointed some out to Alexis so she could find some and he made sure that she picked up the ones that fell out of her basket. She kept running or turning around to fast and the eggs would come flying out. She just thought she found more eggs. Here are some pictures and for the life of me, I couldn't get them to look at me:

Here are the kids opening the eggs. Not all the eggs had candy in them. (Thank God and Nana!) One did have ants in it, kinda freaked Andrew out when he opened it. I threw out that piece of candy.

Alexis and Pierce. Of course they were too busy to look at me.

Andrew and Alexis did get some Easter Egg baskets from the Easter Bunny:

BUT we didn't hunt for eggs that day since it rained in the morning, but at least it warmed up during the day. Saturday a cold front moved in and it wasn't that cold here in San Antonio, but when you got up to Pipe Creek it was cold and windy and Renee and I both dressed our kids and ourselves in summer clothing. (at least everyone wore jackets) Who would of thought it was going to be cold in April?!? Where was the summer like temperatures? Oh yeah, that was Sunday. That's Texas weather for you.

Baby Alexander update:
I had my appointment just this last Thursday and everything is going fine (except the for the heartburn and sometimes trouble sleeping). I don't think I've gained much weight since I found out I was pregnant, but I'm sure that will change. I sure do feel a lot heavier with this pregnancy. Good thing this one is the last or maybe it isn't. JUST KIDDING to everyone!

Kids update:
Andrew is doing a wonderful job at school. He has a new friend and he just live right up our street on the corner. I do know the boys name, but I wouldn't know where to start to spell it right. It is a very unique name. The little boy has a little sister who is two years old. AND here is something else that Roland found interesting, the mother is expecting in August just like me, but she is expecting twins, a boy and girl!
Alexis is starting to do potty training, but she has it a little backwards. She goes potty in her diaper, then she comes and tells me "potty" meaning she wants to sit on her potty, but she doesn't do anything but hey it's a start. And boy is she such a drama queen. The other day after a bath, she is standing there naked wrapped in towel and she pees onto the floor and she starts screaming. You'd think she broke an arm or something. (and of course I'm laughing, I'm sure that doesn't help, and I haven't figured out why I find it so funny, it's happened twice to her)And if she gets something on her that she can't get off, she starts screaming again.

Family update:
Our family members will happy to know that we finally got some family portraits. They came out really great. By the time we get them in two weeks, I should be getting Andrew's school portraits. So in the next couple to three weeks, start watching your mailboxes.

Work update:
Well, my hours did get cut. I no longer have to work on Friday's, since the Friday before last; week before Good Friday. BUT things have changed since then. I learned as of this past Monday that Zeke (the other Admin. Asst) quit as of that last Friday. Well, the Monday he told me, I was at my breaking point. (Stupid pregnancy hormones) As soon as he told me, I just break out crying. I know Zeke felt bad, he thought that his news about him quitting was good news for me, since I would be able to come back to work on Friday's. I told him his news just the breaking point for me that morning. I knew why he was quitting. I did talk to my bosses about everything that was happening and they were surprised that I didn't want to go home that day, but I did request for a vacation before Zeke left. They said that was fine, so I took off the rest of the week, but I'm already thinking of going back on Friday, but I will wait and see. My hours won't change since they can only afford me at part-time, but they are thinking of hiring someone to come in the afternoon after I leave. I will be going back to work on Friday's after the Battle of Flowers holiday, since I don't have a sitter for that day.

AND that is about it for now.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fun day at the Park

We had a fun day at the park today with Nana and Poppy. We ate some pizza and then the kids went off to play on the play ground. Alexis finally went down the slide that is in a twist. All I see is her go down it and then see her feet go up in the air when she gets close to the bottom. Roland was there to catch her. I thought she would have freaked out but she didn't. She actually walked away smiling, but she didn't go down that slide again. She went down another. Here she is going down one:

Here is Andrew: this is the slide that has the twist.

Here are some other pictures just at the park:

Doesn't the shirt say it all about her?

And one I love the most:

I can't believe that they both have decent smiles for a change. =)

Baby Alexander update:
Only nineteen more weeks to go. He loves to kick and punch. Alexis fell asleep on me today and Alexander just started kicking up a storm. Guess he didn't want his big sister laying on him or me. I went and put her on my bed. As soon as I go back to seat, Gizmo comes and gets on my stomach. Guess who starts kicking up a storm again? Gizmo didn't stay on my stomach for very long.
Everything is still going great accept for the heartburn. Yep, that has started up again, but this time it's not so bad, but I'm only 5 months along. We'll see how bad it gets before he gets here. I have doctor's appointment this week. Will fill everyone on it later.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's an it's just Alexander.

Well here are the first official pictures of Alexander before his official arrival.

If that isn't alien looking, then I don't know what is.
Just kidding, that's just Alexander looking at us and waving.
How cute is that?!

This is the side view of him.

This would be the picture of his butt, legs and his feet crossed.

Can you guess what you are looking at?
If you guessed a foot, you are correct.


This is what Andrew said when he saw this: "that is the baby sticking it's tongue out at us".
In fact it's the turtle sign.

Well I'm half way there. 20 more weeks to go. I already feel him kicking. Except for when I want for the kids or for Roland to feel. He's active in the morning when I'm at work. And after lunch is when I don't really want to get up and move around. My stomach just feels really contracted. No, I'm not having contractions, just contracted and really tight.
Well that is about it for now. Will give more baby updates when I get closer to my due date.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's Official

It's official.. it's a BOY!!! We got our sonogram today. Both Andrew and Alexis got to go with us. Andrew thought it was neat. He thought the turtle sign we saw was the baby sticking it's tongue out at us. LOL We have decided not to tell him what it really was. We'll wait until he's a little older. Everything looks great except the baby is little big (by four days). I just told the doctor that "then the baby will by born on my sister's birthday, Aug. 11th instead of the 14th". She said "babies comes when they want" I laugh and said "I know.", but if the baby comes on the 11th, it will be a lot easier to remember birthday's. =)

I think we have decided on a name, it's most likely going to be Roland Alexander. But Roland is considering the name Matthew Alexander. Roland is determined that the baby will not have four names (like what I was considering: Roland Matthew Alexander Blackwell.)

The baby has finally shifted off my sciatic nerve. Alex was pressing on nerve on they right side. DAMN did it hurt a lot. Kinda sucked when I was at work. I couldn't run to the phone when the it rang when I was at the copier. I had to be careful when I did pivots. Now I just try to turn my whole body in alignment instead of pivoting. Now occasionally my butt muscle just hurts, like it's sore from doing some exercise, but that a lot better than limping in pain and keeping curse word from coming out of mouth.

Well that is about it. I do have sonogram pictures, I'll see if I can get them on disk, I just don't know how well the pictures will come out.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The pirate's have invaded!

The pirate's have invaded the Blackwell house!!!

Aren't they cutest littlest pirates you've seen?

PS Wednesday we'll find out the sex of the baby!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

Happy Birthday to Me!! Yes, it's my birthday. I'm 33 today. What else is there to say? Nothing much. For my birthday, Roland got me a set of really nice jewelry. And he knew what I wanted too. This past Tuesday we went to the Shops at La Cantera. The really nice looking mall over by 1604 and I-10. I hit some kind a critter (think it was a coyote) with my car on the way there, but it did get up and run away. Roland glasses broke and the only one hour place he could find was at this mall. It's really nice, looks like a small town. Since we had to wait for the glasses to be made, we went and looked around. Very nice shops and it's not that crowded when you go past 7 p.m. That was a plus. Andrew and Alexis could just run around and ahead of us and I could still see them. The kids had a blast. We only went into a couple of shops. One was were you make teddy bears (forgot the name of the store) It was a pretty cute store. We thought of letting the kids do it, but I wanted an outfit that you could dress the teddy bear in, but they didn't have it. (Texas Aggie outfit, but they did have Spurs outfit). Found some outfits that I thought Sheldon would like: A police uniform and an Army one. =) The other store was a jewelry store (of course!) I found two pieces of jewelry I liked. One was like over $800 dollars (that was without the discount they were having) I said "I don't think so" but the ring was more for an anniversary than anything. Roland said maybe for our 10 year would be good. He could save up for that ring. The second was this ring. I found I picture of it, but the one Roland bought me was in gold: (couldn't find a picture of one in gold)

Here is the necklace:

The earrings look like the necklace and they dangle. I won't wear the earring as much as I do as my little ones I wear all the time, I'm afraid they'll break apart. I will only wear them on special occasion, like tomorrow when we meet Nana and Poppy at Applebee's tomorrow. (Love the small ribs, think they're called riblets. A co-worker of mine said they came from rabbits. I laughed and hit him as well for that comment.)
We got turned around at the mall or at least I did when leaving for the car. I couldn't remember where I parked the car. (my bad) Should have taken a left instead of right when we came across the cross section, but we finally found the right parking lot. At least I remembered at what light pole I parked at. Roland went back the next day and bought the jewelry for my birthday. I wanted my birthday gift before Saturday. Which I did. Another thing I look forward to on my birthday is Ken and Patty (my brother and his wife) calling me and singing Happy Birthday to me over the phone. I missed it since I was in church having bible study, but I did listen to it when I got home. It always makes me SMILE!!! =) Thanks you guys!! Love and miss you guys! See you whenever you come into town. Well that is it for this year. Time for bed. I may still be the baby of my family, but I certainly don't feel like the baby anymore. Miss those days of me being a brat to my older siblings. Oh wait a minute, I'm still the brat. I don't think I'll every grow out of that! HA!!! Love to all my siblings, my mother, to Beth, who takes care of her and to everyone else. Night Night!