Monday, July 20, 2009

Another Update

Well went to hospital this past weekend. I was in labor (OK, I'm still in labor just not hard labor, as the doctor put it). As of right now I'm at 3cm and 50% effaced and lost my mucus plug, the plug I lost today and it was for that reason why I took another trip to the hospital again today. (if you don't have any clue of what I'm talking about, look it up on the Internet, I'm not going to explain it)
At the hospital today, my doctor made me stay for an hour and if dilation changed I would have had to stay the night, which of course it didn't. So I got to go home, but the nurse did agree with me that my contractions did pick up while I was there, so who knows I might go back again tonight. (dread) (no dread if Baby Alex comes) I did find out something I think I should complain about. I found out from the nurse that some medical board or medical people decided that they will NOT induce you if you just want it, they'll only induce you if you have medical condition or you are at 39 weeks. OK here is a good reason: A pregnant woman about to go mad!!! I'm so PISSED, I'm going to be looking on the Internet to bitch, got nothing else to do as of right now. Keep you updated.