Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Almost There....

Almost there for baby Alex to be born. Went to the hospital (yes again) This time I broke down cried and that didn't even work on the doctor, but some good news; she told I wouldn't make to 39 weeks and she doesn't think I'll make this week. HURRAY!! Roland and I want Alex to come so badly. Maybe he'll come tonight, on Pierce's Birthday (Roland's nephew) Happy Birthday Pierce!!

Today was my last day at work, didn't go in Monday, that was the day I came home (did you know my hospital policy is not to induce on the weekends? How stupid.) When I went into work everyone was surprised to see me and then my boss came in later and freaked out that I was there. I told her I had some little things I wanted to do and that I would leave at noon and wouldn't be back until a couple of weeks after Alex was born. I hoping to go back on Andrew's first day of school (depending on when Alex comes.)

I tried my experiment with Alexis - she saw me holding a friends baby, she didn't cry, she wanted me to give her the baby, I didn't. Nana maybe thinks that Alexis might change her mind after Alex sticks around for a couple of weeks. We'll see.

I bought one of those baby carrier slings for Alex. I let Alexis play with for awhile and after awhile she wanted me to wear it but she wanted to be in it while it was on me. I told I couldn't do that, boy did that upset her.

Andrew is wondering when Alex is coming. Every time I grab my belly, he asks "is the baby heavy?" and keeps asking me (almost everyday) when is the baby coming. I tell him 3 weeks or a couple of days. I tell Andrew to talk to Alex and he does, then he puts his ear up to my tummy to see if he can hear Alex. I have to keep telling him, Alex can hear you but you won't be able to hear him since Alex is inside my tummy. I keep telling Andrew to tell Alex "come out, we want to meet you" so far that hasn't work. =(

Hopefully next time you see a post, I'll be posting about Alex and how crazy I'm going with 3 kids not 2. =)