Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby Update

Well, had my doctor's appointment today. Everything looks good. My 3rd diabetes test came back normal, which means I don't have gestational diabetes. Alex is at normal size for 35/36 weeks, so no talking about getting induced. =( They won't check to see if I'm dilated until next week, even though I almost begged to be checked, but he is head down (hurray, and like I couldn't tell from pelvic pressure I sometimes have when I get up from sitting. Ouch!) but I don't know if he's dropped or not. I will be asking next week. Everybody who sees me (well, not everyone) ask if I'm having twins. I tell them no, I just look big. =( It seems that everyone I knew who was pregnant or close to giving birth, has. I'm the only one left, sometimes feeling really alone. (not really) I really just want this little one to come, I'm tired of being pregnant. (OK, who doesn't get tired from being pregnant) I'm really curious about how little Miss Alexis is going to take about having a newborn in house. Don't know if I'm going to get annoyed at her because she wants to be in my lap and be held or trying to make her understand she can't feed, change the diaper, or carry the baby around. Maybe one of the women at church can help me with that, let Miss Alexis see me holding another baby, maybe I'll try it this Saturday. I just know I really don't want what happened last time to happen when she saw me holding her Cousin Pierce, she started crying, but that was about 2 years ago. =) I don't have any pictures, but will have lots coming as soon as Alex is born (which reminds me - I need to put my camera in my purse) =)

Andrew and Alexis are doing fine. They are both going to Alexis's daycare for the summer. Andrew sometimes wants to stay home - by himself while Roland and I are at work. I ask him some important questions about what if someone came to the door, what if there was a fire, questions like that, he usually gets one wrong and even if he did get them all right, I still wouldn't let him stay home by himself, I'd start to panic at work. Andrew really got to feel Alex move the other night, as did Roland. I was laying in bed when they could both see and feel Alex move. He doesn't really kick anymore, it looks like he rolls around. And if you feel around, you can actually feel something semi-hard (Alex's head) and feel his butt. =) Alex loves to move around 11 o'clock at night-right about the time when I'm about to fall asleep, but once he starts moving I have to wait to fall asleep until he stops. And man does Alex have the hiccups. I swear they are more annoying than anything, especially when they are at night.