Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hello again!

I know it's been a while (OK a couple of months) since my last post. With a new baby and two other kids you really don't have time to do much. Let's see:
1. Andrew will be turning 8 this December (26). Where did the time go?
2. Alexis is doing fine, still not potty trained yet, but we're working on it.
3. Xander is now 3 months old. He's still a little stinker pot but he's getting better about not wanting me to old him all the time. Xander did have GERD (Acid reflux), I can actually leave him on the floor for a while. He's been sleeping in his bed and sometimes thru the whole night (2 nights out of week, I'll take that.) He smiles, coos and rolls over to his back when we give him tummy time (which he really doesn't like) We trying to get him to laugh when we tickle him, most time he just coos real loud and tries to get away.
4. I've been at my job for 2 years now. WOW and HURRAY for me!

OK I know everyone is just wanting to really see pictures so here you go:

Xander is 25 days old in this picture.

He's almost a month in this picture and doing little smiles.

Almost 3 months old and smiling a lot. Loves to be sung too.

Here is Halloween; Alexis was a purple fairy/butterfly (or buttfly as Alexis puts it) and Andrew was a S.W.A.T. police officer. That is what he wants to be when he grows up. (Just like his Uncle Sheldon!) He wants to drive a police car really fast and arrest bad guys that rob banks. I'm so PROUD!


JUST KIDDING!!! This little critter chewed (yes chewed) a hole in our chimney and made a home in the wall. (At least he didn't chew a hole in the wall coming into the house.) Andrew and Alexis both got to see it. Andrew wanted to keep it and Alexis just got all excited. I had to get up the roof and reset the trap and use some different bait. Peanut Butter in a cup just doesn't work, use dog food, that worked. The first time after I reset the trap that we thought we heard the trap go off, I climb the ladder, Candy the Cat scared the hibby jibbies out of me, she was up on the roof and meowed at me before I saw her. This is at 9 pm at night and I can't really see anything. The second time we thought we heard sometime it was a loud "thunk". I go look again and the trap has been sprung BUT I can't see anything since the trap has a garbage bag wrapped around it (that is for when they catch skunks). So I climb up on the roof and and look and it's in there. HURRAY! If anybody had looked out their windows, they maybe thought there were burglars up on the roof with flashlights. At least no one called the cops. =)

Well that is about it. Since now we are getting back into a routine I hope to be able to start posting regularly but don't be surprised if I don't post anything for a while.