Tuesday, August 11, 2009

End of Summer

Yeah right... end of summer for the kids but not the summer heat. =( Well everything is going great here except getting enough sleep. Xander has his bouts of where he doesn't know what he wants. Doesn't want to eat, but is fishing (turns his head side to side and has an open mouth). Doesn't want to be put down, but when he's held, he doesn't know what position he wants to be held in. He sleeps pretty well until about time between 3:30am and 8 am. We are going to try and keep him up later in the evening to see if we can get him to switch hours. He feeds about every 2 to 4 hours but sometimes he sleeps for six. I do try to breastfeed him (sorry guys) but he just doesn't want my breast. Xander knows what to do but every time I try to make him latch, he just spits it out. We have tried several times to no avail. I will keep trying but so far I'm just pumping and then giving him the milk in a bottle. Andrew and Alexis are doing great. Andrew loves his little brother. Keeps saying he's "cute". Alexis on the other hand is still on the fence (as Roland puts it) about her little brother. Sometimes she wants to carry him (I won't let her as of right now) and sometimes she wants to hold him. Sometimes she happy she's holding him, but them are times she starts whining while holding him. All she really wants to do is help, which is fine by me.
Here are some pictures of Andrew and Xander:

Feeding Time!!!

Andrew wanted to help feed Xander. I did have to stop Andrew from pouring 2% milk into the baby bottle. I had to explain that Xander wouldn't be able to drink 2% milk for while and had to explain what kind of milk to make for Xander. I have decided not let Andrew make the baby bottles for a while.

We went swimming the other day. The kids had a blast:
Miss Alexis trying to splash me. I love the goggles on her.

Andrew just had a blast going all over the pool.

Everyone just had a blast. Of course Xander slept through all of it.

I will get my family portrait of all three kids, I just don't know when. Hopefully I'll get it before Christmas. =)