Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Finally Arrived

Roland Alexander Blackwell arrived on Sunday, August 2, 2009 at 5:17pm weighing in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. (Yes, that is bigger than Andrew and Alexis when they were born. Glad I was two weeks early!)
Went to the hospital that morning around 10 am. If really want all the little details call me, I'm not posting everything on my page, I know people want pictures, not words. Here they are:
Oh, by the way we have decided not to call him Alex but Xander. I might just do both. =)

Day after picture.

Andrew and Alexis checking out Xander.

Proud Papa.

After all that hard work, guess who passed out first?

Alexis wanted to hold Xander, so Daddy helped. After she did, she wasn't all that sure about it.
Miss Alexis didn't like leaving me in the hospital. She didn't want to leave at all Monday and then Roland called me that night, telling me someone was missing me. Roland thought it might make Alexis feel better if she heard my voice on the phone, but his plan back fired on him.
She is definitely a mamma's girl.

Alexis is still not to sure about Xander. She is excited about him, but I noticed today that when Xander cried, she started to get upset. I don't think she really knows what to do about Xander.
Andrew on the other hand has been a wonderful son and a wonderful big brother to Alexis and Xander. I will get my family portrait of all the three kids soon, but as this week my wonderful in-laws have come back Colorado and taken Andrew and Alexis for a couple of days. Andrew has been looking forward to going up to Nana and Poppy's. Alexis didn't want to go when they picked them up. I have a feeling that Alexis will not want to stay up there next week, if they decide to stay, but we will see.