Saturday, May 30, 2009

Another Update

Well, I had another scare this week. This time I was admitted over at Labor & Delivery. (This was Wednesday night) My contractions just wouldn't stop so after three hours we went to the hospital. I was have contractions but they were not regular. The doctor on duty decided to run a test to see if I was pre-disposed to going into pre-term labor. Thank god I was negative, but since it was already 1 AM they decided to keep me until the morning. I just sent Roland and the kids home after that. Andrew thought it was neat to hear the baby's heartbeat and to hear him move and the nurse thought the baby moved around a lot as well. Yes baby Alex was trying to kick off the heart device again. I just I have to rest and drink lots and lots of water. Like I don't drink enough it anyway. Instead of peeing every 10 mins, now I feel I have to pee every 5 mins. Soon it will be every 3 mins. (oh goody) Oh and I don't have diabetes, but I am borderline but Roland reminded me that I was borderline when pregnant with Alexis. I have to do another test at 32 weeks. More yucky drink! YUCK!!! =(

In other news Alexis turns 3 this Saturday. We bought her a doll that cries (not very loudly =) ) and some clothes that you can change it with. She's very good with it. I've noticed that she does try to pick it up like a real baby. Tomorrow we will be going up to Nana and Poppy's to celebrate her birthday. Nana is going to make cup cakes this year. Good thing too, Alexis has been asking for cup cakes. Let's hope she doesn't cry when we sing "Happy Birthday" to her. I sung one to her earlier today and she just cheered after I finished. Let's hope that is a good sign. I will have pictures later and whenever I get to posting them.