Sunday, May 17, 2009

An Update

Let's see what happen this past week.

Well, I already have a trip to labor and delivery this week. Thursday I had cramping while at work, called the doctor told me just to drink water and take some Tyenoly and I told my boss, my boss told me to go home, since it was slow and while on the phone with my doctor they told me that my diabetes test came back high so I had to do a three hour test. =( More yucky drink at higher dose of sugar. So I told my boss I would have to take I would have to take Friday off as well. I decide to stop off at my doctor's to pick up the paper work I need for the test and told the nurses I had three cramps in the car that took only five minutes for me to get there and and had one right there in front of them. They told me they wanted to see me "now". So I got seen and I wasn't dilated but they wanted me to go to labor and delivery. GREAT!!!! So stayed there for two hours and I have decided that I would nickname Alex "Wiggle worm" I couldn't believe how much he moves and neither could the nurse. I know Alex doesn't like anything on my stomach but jeez whiz, quit trying to kick off the heart monitor. The nurse had to move the monitor several times just so we could hear the heart beat. He would move away from the monitor and just kick at it. After a while I just moved it so the nurse wouldn't have to come in every 10 to 15 min. After about an hour Alex stopped moving away from the monitor, guess he got tired. I might have not felt him move or kick but you could still hear moving. Little wiggle worm.

I will find out the results of my second diabetes on Thursday. Let's hope it's good. I just hope I don't have to stay home until Alex is born. I would go mad being on bed rest and how can I be on bed rest if Alexis stays home with me, which she would since I couldn't afford day care.

And that is about it for me for this week.

Andrew is very proud of himself this week: Hear is why:

Roland showed him how to get Alexis on his back. Miss Alexis loves it but after a while she gets to heavy for him. She get upset if he can't carry her, but after a while she gives up.

And that is about it for for now.