Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fun day at the Park

We had a fun day at the park today with Nana and Poppy. We ate some pizza and then the kids went off to play on the play ground. Alexis finally went down the slide that is in a twist. All I see is her go down it and then see her feet go up in the air when she gets close to the bottom. Roland was there to catch her. I thought she would have freaked out but she didn't. She actually walked away smiling, but she didn't go down that slide again. She went down another. Here she is going down one:

Here is Andrew: this is the slide that has the twist.

Here are some other pictures just at the park:

Doesn't the shirt say it all about her?

And one I love the most:

I can't believe that they both have decent smiles for a change. =)

Baby Alexander update:
Only nineteen more weeks to go. He loves to kick and punch. Alexis fell asleep on me today and Alexander just started kicking up a storm. Guess he didn't want his big sister laying on him or me. I went and put her on my bed. As soon as I go back to seat, Gizmo comes and gets on my stomach. Guess who starts kicking up a storm again? Gizmo didn't stay on my stomach for very long.
Everything is still going great accept for the heartburn. Yep, that has started up again, but this time it's not so bad, but I'm only 5 months along. We'll see how bad it gets before he gets here. I have doctor's appointment this week. Will fill everyone on it later.