Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!! Andrew and Alexis had a blast trick or treating. We only did two streets, but if we push Alexis to hard, she just wants to be carried. She is so heavy. I'm afraid I might re-fracture my wrist if I keep on carrying her. (She only wants to be carried to certain spots and certain times of the day) Everybody said Andrew's costume was scary and Alexis was just so CUTE! Here are some pictures:

Sorry, we couldn't get Alexis to stand next to Andrew, every time he tried, she would get a little upset. (Do you blame her?), but she wasn't as scared as I thought she'd be. She didn't freak out when Andrew had the costume on, she just didn't get close to him.

Look we got her to smile. Want to know how we did it? We tickled Andrew.
Any torcher we inflict on her brother always makes her smile. =)

Just the kids playing.

Just the boys, I couldn't get any of the girls to get in the pictures.
Alan is the one in the other mask, he was GhostRider.
(I can't remember the names of the other one's)

UP, UP and AWAY!!!


She wouldn't share any of her cake with Daddy.

She did love Alan's swing, it's just her size, she could get up on to the swing all by herself, HOWEVER she just didn't like me taking a picture of her.

This couple thought Alexis was so adorable. She went to them twice to get comforted when she got upset. Alexis was upset since we told her it was time to get off the swing and time to go home. This couple had the little boy in the blue costume, he kept telling his wife they needed to try for another one: a girl, just like Alexis.

OH and here is Andrew and Alexis without their costumes on, just in Halloween shirts:
AND if you're wondering about Andrew's hair, it was crazy hair day at school:

He wanted it spiky, so the night before I put some mousse in his hair and at first he wanted his hair in rubber bands, just two of them. I told him he'd look like a girl, but he didn't care until he went to the mirror and saw his hair. He comes back screaming "I look like a girl!", pulling out the rubber bands. I just laughed and said "I told you so."