Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Catching up...

This blog is for catching up for the last blog I posted. I know I said I would have pictures of the kids in Halloween costumes, but I didn't even dress the kids up on our neighbor hood national night out. Miss Alexis was just the GRUMPIEST little girl in the world that day. Every time I tried to take a picture of her, she just starting screaming at me. She didn't even want to hit the pinata that was hanging in tree. (See below)

But Andrew had a blast playing with all the other kids that were there. Here is Andrew:

This was after Roland and I threw the candy up in the air from the pinata. The stick that came with the pinata broke three times to where you couldn't use it anymore, so I went home and got a plastic PVC pipe, and that didn't even put a dent in the pinata. (What do they make pinatas out of; wall plaster?) Roland even tried it and he broke the PVC pipe, so we just decided to tear it apart and throw the candy into the air.
Alexis did like searching for candy, every time she found some and some of her favorites (Smarties) she'd going running to daddy and give them to him and come back and search for more, but she still didn't want her picture taken (below):

Another good news is that we had a parent-teacher conference last Friday and that went really well. Andrew is where he should be in everything except rhyming, but that was expected. Andrew doesn't get as frustrated and shut down like he use to and if he does, it's only for about 5 minutes and he doesn't shut down either. :) He is still in speech therapy, there are two others in his class that go as well. His teacher says that Andrew has a little girlfriend and her name is Maddie. They both work together in the little groups they have in class, and his teacher thinks that Maddie is a good motivator for Andrew to work well and vice a verse. They even ride the same bus. Isn't that just cute!!

Here is Miss Alexis in a good mood and being goofy:

She was the one that put the sticker on her mouth and she thought is funny to try to talk at the same time with it on her mouth.

Here is one of a new pet that Andrew wanted to keep, but I wouldn't let him:

I would have no idea what to feed a preying mantis. If it would eat all the ants in kitchen, then all means "Welcome to Family!!" Not like it would live long with the cats in the house. The biggest thing they have caught was a squirrel. I was very shocked and sadden by that. Shocked that a squirrel got caught and sadden by it's death because I love to watch the squirrels tease the cats. It's just to funny to watch! (They're were only two cats outside that day, Candy and Phathom. I'm pretty sure Candy is the one that caught it, which I'm not surprised, she is the hunter out of all of them and if Phathom did it, I would have to see it to believe it.)

Like Renee I too have gotten into a show a little late in the season "Grey's Anatomy" I only watch one show from Season 2 and was hooked, BUT now it's Season 5, and I'm only on Season 3 and this weeks episode looks REALLY GOOD, I make just skip the season premier of season 5 that is saved on my TiVo and watch it. I was really upset that I watched a commercial preview of it because I was going to save all the shows of Season 5 shows on my TiVo until I got threw all the Seasons 3-4 that I'm ordering from Blockbuster Total Access. I'll see if I can be good and wait until I catch up, but I doubt that.