Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!! Andrew and Alexis had a blast trick or treating. We only did two streets, but if we push Alexis to hard, she just wants to be carried. She is so heavy. I'm afraid I might re-fracture my wrist if I keep on carrying her. (She only wants to be carried to certain spots and certain times of the day) Everybody said Andrew's costume was scary and Alexis was just so CUTE! Here are some pictures:

Sorry, we couldn't get Alexis to stand next to Andrew, every time he tried, she would get a little upset. (Do you blame her?), but she wasn't as scared as I thought she'd be. She didn't freak out when Andrew had the costume on, she just didn't get close to him.

Look we got her to smile. Want to know how we did it? We tickled Andrew.
Any torcher we inflict on her brother always makes her smile. =)

Just the kids playing.

Just the boys, I couldn't get any of the girls to get in the pictures.
Alan is the one in the other mask, he was GhostRider.
(I can't remember the names of the other one's)

UP, UP and AWAY!!!


She wouldn't share any of her cake with Daddy.

She did love Alan's swing, it's just her size, she could get up on to the swing all by herself, HOWEVER she just didn't like me taking a picture of her.

This couple thought Alexis was so adorable. She went to them twice to get comforted when she got upset. Alexis was upset since we told her it was time to get off the swing and time to go home. This couple had the little boy in the blue costume, he kept telling his wife they needed to try for another one: a girl, just like Alexis.

OH and here is Andrew and Alexis without their costumes on, just in Halloween shirts:
AND if you're wondering about Andrew's hair, it was crazy hair day at school:

He wanted it spiky, so the night before I put some mousse in his hair and at first he wanted his hair in rubber bands, just two of them. I told him he'd look like a girl, but he didn't care until he went to the mirror and saw his hair. He comes back screaming "I look like a girl!", pulling out the rubber bands. I just laughed and said "I told you so."

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Don't YOU sit in my Spot!!

HA, HA stole mommy's sitting spot. That is a favorite game to play in this house. If you get up from where you are sitting, you'll lose it. The game is that if you were sitting in your "spot" or just where you happen to be sitting at the time and get up, you just might happen to lose it. Sometimes I'm in the master bedroom watching TV on my couch, and I get up to go the kitchen for a drink. Well the kids happen to be in the living room and they see me going in the kitchen. Andrew and Alexis won't do anything until I walk out of the kitchen but as soon as I do, they start running (and giggling along the way) in front of me and RUN to the bedroom. I know where they are going, my couch, (my SPOT on the couch, you know, a favorite spot- like where you want to sit or what side of the bed you want to sleep on). Along the way to the bedroom, I keep saying, "You better not sit in my spot" over and over again. Both the kids are screaming (like something or someone is chasing them), laughing or just taunting you saying, "I'm going to sit in your spot" (Just Andrew since Miss Alexis can't speak very well, but you know what her little scream means). That is one of the favorite game is in the house is. Here are a couple of picture of the kid's in my spot:

Can't you tell they're just excited about being in my spot!!

Let's just say I think I have the GOOFIEST kids in the world, BUT man do I love it!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Catching up...

This blog is for catching up for the last blog I posted. I know I said I would have pictures of the kids in Halloween costumes, but I didn't even dress the kids up on our neighbor hood national night out. Miss Alexis was just the GRUMPIEST little girl in the world that day. Every time I tried to take a picture of her, she just starting screaming at me. She didn't even want to hit the pinata that was hanging in tree. (See below)

But Andrew had a blast playing with all the other kids that were there. Here is Andrew:

This was after Roland and I threw the candy up in the air from the pinata. The stick that came with the pinata broke three times to where you couldn't use it anymore, so I went home and got a plastic PVC pipe, and that didn't even put a dent in the pinata. (What do they make pinatas out of; wall plaster?) Roland even tried it and he broke the PVC pipe, so we just decided to tear it apart and throw the candy into the air.
Alexis did like searching for candy, every time she found some and some of her favorites (Smarties) she'd going running to daddy and give them to him and come back and search for more, but she still didn't want her picture taken (below):

Another good news is that we had a parent-teacher conference last Friday and that went really well. Andrew is where he should be in everything except rhyming, but that was expected. Andrew doesn't get as frustrated and shut down like he use to and if he does, it's only for about 5 minutes and he doesn't shut down either. :) He is still in speech therapy, there are two others in his class that go as well. His teacher says that Andrew has a little girlfriend and her name is Maddie. They both work together in the little groups they have in class, and his teacher thinks that Maddie is a good motivator for Andrew to work well and vice a verse. They even ride the same bus. Isn't that just cute!!

Here is Miss Alexis in a good mood and being goofy:

She was the one that put the sticker on her mouth and she thought is funny to try to talk at the same time with it on her mouth.

Here is one of a new pet that Andrew wanted to keep, but I wouldn't let him:

I would have no idea what to feed a preying mantis. If it would eat all the ants in kitchen, then all means "Welcome to Family!!" Not like it would live long with the cats in the house. The biggest thing they have caught was a squirrel. I was very shocked and sadden by that. Shocked that a squirrel got caught and sadden by it's death because I love to watch the squirrels tease the cats. It's just to funny to watch! (They're were only two cats outside that day, Candy and Phathom. I'm pretty sure Candy is the one that caught it, which I'm not surprised, she is the hunter out of all of them and if Phathom did it, I would have to see it to believe it.)

Like Renee I too have gotten into a show a little late in the season "Grey's Anatomy" I only watch one show from Season 2 and was hooked, BUT now it's Season 5, and I'm only on Season 3 and this weeks episode looks REALLY GOOD, I make just skip the season premier of season 5 that is saved on my TiVo and watch it. I was really upset that I watched a commercial preview of it because I was going to save all the shows of Season 5 shows on my TiVo until I got threw all the Seasons 3-4 that I'm ordering from Blockbuster Total Access. I'll see if I can be good and wait until I catch up, but I doubt that.

Friday, October 3, 2008


That is what you could call me for the month of September. I was just right down lazy and tired. Roland worked the whole month of September doing overtime at work. 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. Even though he worked all the overtime, I felt like a single parent. I'm glad I'm not but I give high praise to the men and women that are single parents. I told Roland, he couldn't leave or die on me. Roland told me that he wouldn't and that I can't do the same. At least we agree on that.
Other than that, Miss Alexis has finally got use to Andrew going to school. Now when the bus pulls up, she's says bye bye and starts playing with the window. She can make it go up and down with her foot. She loves it. Her and Andrew have window races when they're together, but I have the last laugh since I can lock the windows from up front. Andrew is doing really well in school. Roland and I have a teacher conference on Oct. 10th and I've gotten a report that Andrew's English and math are right on track. I guess holding him back a year was a good thing.

In other news:
Roland no longer has to work overtime anymore :)!! The kids and I are so happy.
I'm still working at Alderson & Associates, It will be one year in November. What a shock to me and I'm sure to my family that I've kept it for so long. Last couple of years, I only held a job for about three months, but I guess finally getting the hours I want to work helps as well.
My allergies have been extremely bad the last couple of months. My eyes are the worse. They itch, then turn red and then I look the "red eye monster" I've been double dosing on my over the counter allergy medicine and that isn't even working anymore. My doctor has referred me to an allergist, and I had an appointment today, but had to cancel that because he was running late and I had Miss Alexis with me and she was getting upset the there at the office. So I rescheduled for a later date. I'll have to go another three days without any allergy pills (not like they were working in the first place.)

Other news:
Roland and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on September 30th. (Boy it's been that long? Where has the time gone?) Roland bought me some flowers and a card (which was hilarious, I'm sure my neighbor thought I was losing my mind or going bonkers in the car, that is where I reading it.)

Here are the flowers:

Here is the card (If you can't read it, read the at the bottom of the picture)

"It's our anniversary and I don't where to begin to tell you how much I love you."

".....but I've narrowed it down to either the bedroom or the shower! Happy Anniversary!!"

Now you see why I was laughing in my car.

Here was Roland and I eight years ago:

And here we are now:

and of course Andrew wasn't smiling, even though we told him to smile!

OH by the way.....
We did receive your postcards, Nana and Poppy. Andrew loves getting mail in the mailbox, Alexis doesn't quite understand, but she will when she older. I did get the kids costumes this year. At least Andrew decided not to go as a paper bag this year (even though that would have been the easiest and cheapest costume ever!) Andrew is going be a green skeleton and Miss Alexis is going to be Supergirl. Andrew already wants to wear his costume, but I won't let him, I don't want little girl be freaked out. The kids will be able to wear their costume on Oct. 7th. That is "National Night Out" and it's on our street this year. I will be providing a BBQ pit and a table and maybe some food, but I was told that kids are welcome to wear their costumes, I'll let every one know how that goes and how little girl takes to Andrew's costume.