Sunday, July 27, 2008

Venting....oh, and pictures too!

Going to vent a little, then I'll do some pictures, because I know that is what everybody really wants to see anyway.


Ever heard of Beware of Greeks bearing gifts? Well here is a new one. Beware of Geek Squad of trying to rip you off. I took my computer in to get the CD Rom fixed, the did a free scan on my computer and found a bunch of cookies on it. The were going to charge me over $300 to remove the cookies. Well, I was going to let them do that but a co-worker said he could for less. Well, my computer is all fixed now and didn't cost me anything. HURRAY!!!!

OK I know people really here to see pictures so here you go.

Alexis is riding on a little motorized scooter thanks to the next door neighbor. Let's say she had a BLAST!!!! and I didn't mind it because I could just walk right behind her to make sure she didn't fall off. She screamed when I had to take her off.

Here is Andrew on the neighbors 4x4. I really don't like Andrew on it, but I do know that the 4x4 has two different speeds and Andrew was one slower one. Andrew and Alexis only had a few close calls of crashing into each other.

And here are a few of my favorites and these are old pictures......

Alexis at the play ground. She loves the slide, but she needs a little help sitting the right way and getting started, but if you help her too much she gets upset. She is little Miss Independent.

Andrew playing in the back yard on the slide.

That will be all for now.