Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy

I know, I know, I've been slacking too. As Roland put it "I've kinda in a funk." I have not been feeling well at all the last couple of weeks. I've been waking up with what it look like was pink eye (yuck!) and my allergies just messing with body. I finally went to the doctor when it looked like the pink eye spread to my other eye. Everyone at work just stayed away from me. (Yes, I went to work.) They doctor took a swab of my eye and give me some medicine. I didn't have pink eye, but the medicine did work (I only had to take the kind that was for five days) but that wore off in the middle of the week and my eyes were starting to get red again. Went to the doctor again. Let's just say when he asked a bunch of questions, I keep telling him "no" on everything, he tells me "stop throwing my theory's out the window". I laugh. He gave me some new medicine and some eye drops (which for some reason I have misplaced on my couch...GREAT! Don't you hate it when the couch eats something and won't give it back, our living room couch likes to eat the remotes), but the other medicine is working really well. I felt a lot better Saturday morning. As for everything else, my work is slow, so slow that I found out this past week that the person that comes in the afternoon, is quiting Aug. 27. Hector, (he comes in the afternoon) told me that his new school schedule just wouldn't let him work in the afternoon and Linda didn't want to work with that new schedule. Linda (the owner's wife) told me that it was because were just slowing down to much. (let's say Linda doesn't tell me anything and if I hear it from someone else in the office, that someone is always WRONG! I just try to keep my head down, do as I'm told and look busy and not to piss off Linda. Yes my work can be stressful, even if there is no work to do.)

Roland - He is still out at USAA and on some weekend's he works a little overtime. This Wednesday he'll take both the kids to his work, since Andrew will be starting school soon.

Andrew - He's ready to go back to school. Actually he gets upset that he's going to Alexis's daycare and not school. I have to keep reminding him that school will start soon.

Alexis - Ever heard the saying "Monkey see, Monkey do"? Well she is in that stage. Here is what she's been doing. Last night we watch Walt Disney's "Tarzan" In the movie the mother gorilla throws her baby up in the air and catches him, the next scene, it the human mother throwing her baby into the air. Well, Miss Alexis see a stuff animal on the back of my couch and wants it. I give it to her, thinking nothing of it. She turns to face the TV and she just throws the stuff animal in the air. It comes flying back to me. I catch it, she doesn't. I almost told her "No, don't throw" but then I start laughing realizing what she did, copying what she saw on TV. She starts getting upset, I think she got upset that she didn't catch the stuff animal. Then the next day, she sees me shaving my legs in the bathroom (dry shaving), well she see a little bristle brush that came with the razor and she grabs it and starts to act like she is shaving her legs. I just thought that was too cute.

Her new words:
Shh! quite. (only does that when Roland or I are laughing to loud.)
Rabble, Rabble, Rabble (She got that from a cartoon)

I don't have any new pictures, but here are some old ones:

Miss Alexis and her new crown.

Just the kids posing.

AND to the parents with little ones have to look forward to when their children start to feed themselves:

That is what I get when I get up to go to the bathroom and come back. Roland thought it was funny, but I didn't.

P.S. I'm still haven't found my eye medicine, it's time to dismantle the couch. I WILL prevail and I'm sure the kids will love to help.