Sunday, July 27, 2008

Venting....oh, and pictures too!

Going to vent a little, then I'll do some pictures, because I know that is what everybody really wants to see anyway.


Ever heard of Beware of Greeks bearing gifts? Well here is a new one. Beware of Geek Squad of trying to rip you off. I took my computer in to get the CD Rom fixed, the did a free scan on my computer and found a bunch of cookies on it. The were going to charge me over $300 to remove the cookies. Well, I was going to let them do that but a co-worker said he could for less. Well, my computer is all fixed now and didn't cost me anything. HURRAY!!!!

OK I know people really here to see pictures so here you go.

Alexis is riding on a little motorized scooter thanks to the next door neighbor. Let's say she had a BLAST!!!! and I didn't mind it because I could just walk right behind her to make sure she didn't fall off. She screamed when I had to take her off.

Here is Andrew on the neighbors 4x4. I really don't like Andrew on it, but I do know that the 4x4 has two different speeds and Andrew was one slower one. Andrew and Alexis only had a few close calls of crashing into each other.

And here are a few of my favorites and these are old pictures......

Alexis at the play ground. She loves the slide, but she needs a little help sitting the right way and getting started, but if you help her too much she gets upset. She is little Miss Independent.

Andrew playing in the back yard on the slide.

That will be all for now.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

First and hopefully the last one I ever see!!!

I saw a Tornado!! Well at least one trying to form on top of a building. I'm seeing this from the 7th floor of the building I work in. THIS IS NOT HELPING ME CALM MY NERVES!!!

Let's go back about 15 minutes:
I knew of the sighting of the tornado touch down around the downtown area, south side. When John (a co-worker) came back from lunch, he had heard of a tornado that was at Sea World (20 minutes away from my house), heading north to Helotes (five minutes from my house). Starting to get worried. I get on the internet and the tornado John was talking about is heading that way and to Pipe Creek, the tornado should reach Pipe Creek at 1:30. It's 1:25, and I call Mom and Dad. Not answering. I'm thinking good they're not home. Then I call the babysitter. She was just about to call me and warn my that there is a tornado warning issued for that area, especially around Marshall High School. Her house is right across the street from the high school and 10 minutes away from my house. Starting to panic, but still in control. Decided to call Roland at work and update him. He calls back and informs me that there was a tornado reported in the Medical Center. Guess what part of town I work? Right by the medical center. Really close (try 2 minutes). Now I'm panicking. Only thing calming me down is me taking off the cap of the highlighter and putting it back on really fast. (click, click, click, click)
Guess what I did next and that I shouldn't have done. I go and look out the window. THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE, since that is where I saw a tornado trying to form on top of a building. (I think it was about five stories tall, it's shorter than mine.) I'm almost run out of the office yelling "Tornado", but I stopped myself and looked again. At first I see it spinning and slowly disappearing. I'm thinking maybe it was smoke or steam from the top of the building. I don't see anything coming from the top of the building. I WAS wrong about the smoke. Now I'm about ready to lose it. I go to my boss and ask him if was watching the weather outside his window. (His window looks out the same direction that I was looking out of). He says "no". I tell everything I saw out the window and told him what my husband and babysitter said. He ask if I'm worried about my kids. I said yes, while I'm trying to control my shaking hands. He says "go" I say "THANKS!" and bolt for my desk. While driving home, I notice that the clouds at work are starting to get lighter. That's a good sign. Driving to the babysitters and to my house, it's getting darker. That's not a good sign. I look for clouds that are a greenish color or starting to spin, don't see anything, but that does help calm my nerves. The kids and I get home right before it starts pouring rain. At least we didn't get that wet, but the kids wanted to stay out in the rain and play in the street. I guess I shouldn't have let them do that a couple weeks ago, oh well. After about an hour the clouds have lighten up and there is some wind. I think everything has calmed down (I know I have by this point). I'm now looking out the window to watch the two streams run down my street. My street turns into a river when it rains a lot. Why do you think the kids want to go and play out in the rain?

Now it's starting to rain again, the little rivers are starting to pick up speed, and the clouds are getting darker. There goes my nerves AGAIN!!!! When will it end?!?

Monday, July 21, 2008


I finally got my laptop back!! I'm SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!, but this will be a short post since my computer needs to be updated by McAfee and it's 10 o'clock and it's time for the kids to start going to bed, but Andrew is hungry so I'll go and make him something. BRB (be right back). BACK!!
Well as soon as Andrew is done eating, I'm going to bed. I will be making a post tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I want my laptop back!!

I'm writing this post from Roland's computer since my laptop is at Best Buy getting fixed.
For some reason the CD Rom Drive wasn't reading the CD's. Took it to Best Buy to get it fixed. Took it in Sunday, July 6th and went in on Sunday the 13th just to see if it had come in. The guy told me it should be here Monday (14th) or Tuesday (15th). I just called and they told me, that I wouldn't be getting it back until next week. I'm starting to get pissed off at Geek Squad. I really wish that they would get their story straight or date right. I'm still hoping it will come in sooner than that.

I won't be posting any pictures until I get my laptop back. Sorry!!! =(

Friday, July 4, 2008

Decided to do things this way!

I got this idea from Renee Blackwell (my sister in-law), I'm always looking forward to her post about Pierce, so I decided that I would give updates on Andrew and Alexis this way, since for some reason I can't go to Wal-Mart, get pictures printed, get the pictures sorted to all of Roland's and mine family members and mailed off, with some little note inside. (SORRY)!

Recent things on the kids:

He just finished summer school. For those who don't know Andrew is being kept back a year in school. Andrew is a little slow in math, reading and speech. He has been going to a speech therapist at his school. He is doing a wonderful job, but his kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Daiberl thought it would be best to keep him back, plus they have standards to past Kinder, and Andrew didn't pass. I think now and in the future kids will have to past a college exam just to get out of High School.

Alexis is now 2 years old (May 30th). SHE is Miss Independence and doesn't want any help from anybody, and when she does let you help her, she just gets upset that you did. Right now, everything is hers and she loves telling Andrew: MINE! MINE! MINE! and then Andrew comes and tells me that he had it first. I have to tell him that Alexis doesn't understand that, and just to give it to her, she drops whatever Andrew had that she wanted in about five minutes anyway,
plus She's mommy's little helper: she helps me take out the garbage and recyclables (Andrew does too and he get the mail as well, which of course Alexis gets upset at that, she can't quiet reach the mailbox), helps feed the outdoor cats, put up the groceries (mostly she just hands them to me, while I put them up) and helps put the dishes in the dishwasher or takes them out when their done.

Both the kids will be going to Marixa's home daycare for the summer. That is where I have Alexis going. Andrew loves going there. Marixa has a 7 year old son that Andrew plays with and Andrew does love playing with the other kids there. There is a little girl that will ask me "Where's Andrew?" when I'd go and pick up Alexis if Andrew wasn't with me. I think Andrew has a girlfriend. Marixa will also be tutoring Andrew while the little one's are taking a nap. I don't think Roland and I have to worry about Alexis's speech, since she's talking already.

A few of Lexi's words: (That is what she is called there at the daycare since there is a little boy named Alex there)

What's this?
Where's Andrew?
Cat food
Bye bye (and is waving her hand at whatever she's saying it to)

There are lots other, but I can't remember what they are.
And if your wondering about the word "No" she won't say it; she shakes her no and points her finger at you and gives you a sound that you know that it means "No"

Well I think I'm done for now, here are some pictures of the kids:

Alexis didn't really like our singing of Happy Birthday to her.

Both kids loved the Birthday Cake!

Andrew and Alexis enjoying our backyard pool

Andrew at a friends birthday pool party.
Andrew mostly stayed in the big pool with his friends.

Miss Alexis helping daddy put on sunscreen on his head

And here are a just a few of my favorites:

Andrew and Alexis trying to help Bear get out of Nana's pond. On a few occasion both kids almost joined Bear in the pond. (Bear finally got out by himself)

Well I think that is about it. I don't know if I'll have as many post as Renee or pictures but I will try.

PS- If your wondering about Roland and me, we're both doing fine. Roland is still out working at USAA and I'm still at my part-time job (7:30-2:30) (great for when Andrew is in school, I'm at the house when he gets off the bus) that I started in November. I work for Alderson & Associates, Inc. They're a consulting engineer company. I was hired to answer the phones, except for some reason I don't. They want me to leave the phones on night. Mostly I do a lot of editing on specs (specifications) on projects. And when I mean a lot of editing, I mean a lot. Think of a stack of papers that have about over 1000 pages that have mechanical , electrical and plumbing edits that I have to do. All the specs and drawings (which I don't have to worry about) have to go out on a certain day. Guess when I get the edits? Sometimes a week before they have to go out and then sometimes I get them 3 days before they out (talk about pressure), and sometimes I have specs on two different projects (now talk about not getting them confused) but at least there is someone there in the afternoon to help.

Well NOW I think I'm done. I've got some critters looking at me since it's past their dinnertime.
(AND I'm not talking about the kids.) =)