Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's an it's just Alexander.

Well here are the first official pictures of Alexander before his official arrival.

If that isn't alien looking, then I don't know what is.
Just kidding, that's just Alexander looking at us and waving.
How cute is that?!

This is the side view of him.

This would be the picture of his butt, legs and his feet crossed.

Can you guess what you are looking at?
If you guessed a foot, you are correct.


This is what Andrew said when he saw this: "that is the baby sticking it's tongue out at us".
In fact it's the turtle sign.

Well I'm half way there. 20 more weeks to go. I already feel him kicking. Except for when I want for the kids or for Roland to feel. He's active in the morning when I'm at work. And after lunch is when I don't really want to get up and move around. My stomach just feels really contracted. No, I'm not having contractions, just contracted and really tight.
Well that is about it for now. Will give more baby updates when I get closer to my due date.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's Official

It's official.. it's a BOY!!! We got our sonogram today. Both Andrew and Alexis got to go with us. Andrew thought it was neat. He thought the turtle sign we saw was the baby sticking it's tongue out at us. LOL We have decided not to tell him what it really was. We'll wait until he's a little older. Everything looks great except the baby is little big (by four days). I just told the doctor that "then the baby will by born on my sister's birthday, Aug. 11th instead of the 14th". She said "babies comes when they want" I laugh and said "I know.", but if the baby comes on the 11th, it will be a lot easier to remember birthday's. =)

I think we have decided on a name, it's most likely going to be Roland Alexander. But Roland is considering the name Matthew Alexander. Roland is determined that the baby will not have four names (like what I was considering: Roland Matthew Alexander Blackwell.)

The baby has finally shifted off my sciatic nerve. Alex was pressing on nerve on they right side. DAMN did it hurt a lot. Kinda sucked when I was at work. I couldn't run to the phone when the it rang when I was at the copier. I had to be careful when I did pivots. Now I just try to turn my whole body in alignment instead of pivoting. Now occasionally my butt muscle just hurts, like it's sore from doing some exercise, but that a lot better than limping in pain and keeping curse word from coming out of mouth.

Well that is about it. I do have sonogram pictures, I'll see if I can get them on disk, I just don't know how well the pictures will come out.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The pirate's have invaded!

The pirate's have invaded the Blackwell house!!!

Aren't they cutest littlest pirates you've seen?

PS Wednesday we'll find out the sex of the baby!