Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to all of my family and friends. I hope your New Year was nice. Mine was. My children were up at Nana and Poppy's this year. They got to stay out in the trailer. Andrew has been bugging Nana and Poppy to stay out in the trailer or as Andrew put it "camping". Roland and I didn't do much on New Year Eve's. We went out to dinner, rented some movies and went to bed at 10 pm. BUT then at 2:15 am, things got kind of noisy. At first I thought there were some dogs in my backyard, but the barking was coming from the front. At least two dogs were barking at my outdoor cats that sleep by the front door. So I just slammed my hands on the door and that scared them away. Roland was up, but he was in the computer room, playing WOW. (he couldn't sleep, since he had a lot of caffeine that day). He comes out with a sword. Yes a real sword. At first he thought someone was trying to break in the house. I told him "it's just me; trying to scare off some dogs." I go and look out the window in my bedroom and see two big dogs still in front yard. Roland looks and notices that they are the dogs that live up the street and that they are friendly dogs. They must have forced open the gate. I don't care I just want to go back to bed. I look one more time and now there are three dogs, not two. Oh well. I go back to bed. 10 minutes later the dogs are back, barking again at my front door. This time I open it, and two take off and the other one stays and looks like a puppy, a big puppy. I told to go home and that one takes off as well. I go back to bed, but the dogs come back again, barking. Roland goes to the door this time, I get pisses off, get dressed and go to the neighbor's house to tell them their dogs are out. But guess what, they are not at home. FIGURES!! The dogs are friendly; they came and greeted me on the way to the neighbor's house and they licked me and the puppy jumped on me, but it did obey me and I said "off". I walked back home and I finally did get a good look at the dogs; One is a Labrador, with long hair and somewhat wavy. The second was a Rottweiler. And the third looked like pit bull. I swear it could have been one of Peleon's (Beth's dog) puppies. It had the same markings as Homer (Beth's other dog). After I told the dogs to leave, they did leave, but I do know they did come back, but I think my outdoor cats took off. Since all I could hear at the door was sniffing. That was my New Year's Day, just way to early in the morning.

If haven't noticed; I have put up a pregnancy calculator. YES, I am pregnant. This makes baby #3 for us. My first doctor appt. is in January, when I'm about 10 weeks along. I will do a post on that appt. Roland and I want another boy, Andrew wants a big brother and Alexis, she just points to my tummy when I ask "where's the baby?", but then she picks up her puppy and calls it "baby". This pregnancy is going all right. Just extremely sore breast, more sore than my first two pregnancy, and only a little morning sickness. The only thing I'm really craving right now is water and milk, but I watch how much milk I drink, so I don't get sick.

I have tons of pictures to post, but I need to upload them on my computer and sort through them. I will post Christmas pictures a little later.

PS. This post corrects my previous posting in Thanks for Thanksgiving. Steven's dog name is not Sasha, it's Sheeba. I think that is how Steven spells it.