Saturday, April 18, 2009

Alexis finally did it!!

And it's kinda my fault and it's not that she mastered the potty.

She finally did something that I had been dreading would happen. Andrew did it when he was little and it was easy to fix, but with Alexis, people are going to notice.

Have you guessed what I'm talking about? Here is a hint: Involves a pair of scissors.

If you guessed that Miss Alexis gave herself a haircut, then your right, she did. And a pretty good one at that. Right in the middle of her bangs, in a big upside down V pattern. No way to really fix it, except to pull some of her hair from the back of her head forward and trim it to look like her bangs. That is what the girl said at the hair place said. Hopefully her bangs will grow back quickly before her baby brother gets here in August. (More family portraits) Here are some pictures:

No way we can shave her head like we did Andrew when he gave himself the same kind of haircut. At least we got the family portraits done before she did this. =)

If you are wonder how she got a pair of scissors, it was because I left the gate down going into the kitchen and I left a pair scissors on the counter by the sink. OOOPPPSSSS!!!!!!!!

PS. Roland finally felt Alexander move. Felt two kicks. Now everyone here as felt the baby move, except Alexis but I don't think she'd understand what she was feeling if she felt him move in the first place.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy (Belated) Easter!

Happy Easter everyone. OK I know Easter has come and gone but better late than never. (this one is kinda of long)

The Saturday before Easter Sunday we went up to Nana and Poppy's to see Sheldon, Renee and Pierce. Then the kids got to do some Easter egg hunting. I had to tell Andrew that he couldn't find all the eggs that were hidden. Andrew was actually pretty good. He pointed some out to Alexis so she could find some and he made sure that she picked up the ones that fell out of her basket. She kept running or turning around to fast and the eggs would come flying out. She just thought she found more eggs. Here are some pictures and for the life of me, I couldn't get them to look at me:

Here are the kids opening the eggs. Not all the eggs had candy in them. (Thank God and Nana!) One did have ants in it, kinda freaked Andrew out when he opened it. I threw out that piece of candy.

Alexis and Pierce. Of course they were too busy to look at me.

Andrew and Alexis did get some Easter Egg baskets from the Easter Bunny:

BUT we didn't hunt for eggs that day since it rained in the morning, but at least it warmed up during the day. Saturday a cold front moved in and it wasn't that cold here in San Antonio, but when you got up to Pipe Creek it was cold and windy and Renee and I both dressed our kids and ourselves in summer clothing. (at least everyone wore jackets) Who would of thought it was going to be cold in April?!? Where was the summer like temperatures? Oh yeah, that was Sunday. That's Texas weather for you.

Baby Alexander update:
I had my appointment just this last Thursday and everything is going fine (except the for the heartburn and sometimes trouble sleeping). I don't think I've gained much weight since I found out I was pregnant, but I'm sure that will change. I sure do feel a lot heavier with this pregnancy. Good thing this one is the last or maybe it isn't. JUST KIDDING to everyone!

Kids update:
Andrew is doing a wonderful job at school. He has a new friend and he just live right up our street on the corner. I do know the boys name, but I wouldn't know where to start to spell it right. It is a very unique name. The little boy has a little sister who is two years old. AND here is something else that Roland found interesting, the mother is expecting in August just like me, but she is expecting twins, a boy and girl!
Alexis is starting to do potty training, but she has it a little backwards. She goes potty in her diaper, then she comes and tells me "potty" meaning she wants to sit on her potty, but she doesn't do anything but hey it's a start. And boy is she such a drama queen. The other day after a bath, she is standing there naked wrapped in towel and she pees onto the floor and she starts screaming. You'd think she broke an arm or something. (and of course I'm laughing, I'm sure that doesn't help, and I haven't figured out why I find it so funny, it's happened twice to her)And if she gets something on her that she can't get off, she starts screaming again.

Family update:
Our family members will happy to know that we finally got some family portraits. They came out really great. By the time we get them in two weeks, I should be getting Andrew's school portraits. So in the next couple to three weeks, start watching your mailboxes.

Work update:
Well, my hours did get cut. I no longer have to work on Friday's, since the Friday before last; week before Good Friday. BUT things have changed since then. I learned as of this past Monday that Zeke (the other Admin. Asst) quit as of that last Friday. Well, the Monday he told me, I was at my breaking point. (Stupid pregnancy hormones) As soon as he told me, I just break out crying. I know Zeke felt bad, he thought that his news about him quitting was good news for me, since I would be able to come back to work on Friday's. I told him his news just the breaking point for me that morning. I knew why he was quitting. I did talk to my bosses about everything that was happening and they were surprised that I didn't want to go home that day, but I did request for a vacation before Zeke left. They said that was fine, so I took off the rest of the week, but I'm already thinking of going back on Friday, but I will wait and see. My hours won't change since they can only afford me at part-time, but they are thinking of hiring someone to come in the afternoon after I leave. I will be going back to work on Friday's after the Battle of Flowers holiday, since I don't have a sitter for that day.

AND that is about it for now.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fun day at the Park

We had a fun day at the park today with Nana and Poppy. We ate some pizza and then the kids went off to play on the play ground. Alexis finally went down the slide that is in a twist. All I see is her go down it and then see her feet go up in the air when she gets close to the bottom. Roland was there to catch her. I thought she would have freaked out but she didn't. She actually walked away smiling, but she didn't go down that slide again. She went down another. Here she is going down one:

Here is Andrew: this is the slide that has the twist.

Here are some other pictures just at the park:

Doesn't the shirt say it all about her?

And one I love the most:

I can't believe that they both have decent smiles for a change. =)

Baby Alexander update:
Only nineteen more weeks to go. He loves to kick and punch. Alexis fell asleep on me today and Alexander just started kicking up a storm. Guess he didn't want his big sister laying on him or me. I went and put her on my bed. As soon as I go back to seat, Gizmo comes and gets on my stomach. Guess who starts kicking up a storm again? Gizmo didn't stay on my stomach for very long.
Everything is still going great accept for the heartburn. Yep, that has started up again, but this time it's not so bad, but I'm only 5 months along. We'll see how bad it gets before he gets here. I have doctor's appointment this week. Will fill everyone on it later.