Thursday, June 18, 2009

I's been a while

I know the last time I posted I said I would post Alexis's birthday pictures in the next few days, well OOPS!! Her birthday pictures will be at the end. Here is an update so far.

I've been to the hospital 4 times now and getting really tired of going too. The last visit was nothing. Just keep drinking water they say. I did see my doctor today and I did finally ask the question? Is Alex big? Well I thought she would only say "by a couple days to a week," she's says "2 weeks" SURPRISE!!!! I thought he'd might be born on my sister birthday, August 11, but now it might be on Nana's birthday instead or who knows, he might just come in late July. I just told her I really didn't want a c-section, but she told me even baby's that are 5 to 6 pounds sometimes they have to have a c-section. Can't wait to tell Roland tonight.

Roland has finally felt Alex move and when I mean move I mean really moving around. Roland felt him do his flutters and jab me really hard, couldn't tell if he was just kicking his foot out or throwing a punch. Little Alex love to stretch right up into my ribs and to stretch and try to come out of the side of my stomach. I have to push him back in on those. He's favorite time to move is about 11 pm. I feel him at least four times a day with mostly flutters and a few kicks, but at 11 pm, he's doing gymnastics. It's a little a hard to fall asleep through all that and this time around sometimes it tickles.

As I promised pictures of Alexis's birthday:

Hail to the birthday princess!!

The sunglasses are big hit with the kids, Alexis loves wearing them in the car. In the picture you see her with her "baby" She got that from us. She loves carrying it around and it has a pacifier and a bottle and the baby cries if you take either of those out of it's mouth.

Alexis got a lot of clothes. If I show her an outfit in the store, she wants it. She is certainly a girl.

Alexis didn't cry this time when we sang Happy Birthday to her. I was so happy. Well that is about it until next time.